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Staten Island M/WBE Forum 2019

Feb 20, 2019

Thu, February 21, 2019 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST Hilton Garden Inn New York/Staten Island 1100 South Avenue Staten Island, NY 10314

Every year, government agencies and large corporations spend billions on goods and services from small businesses like yours. Join us for an opportunity to make connections, learn how to do business with City agencies, and become certified with NYC as a Minority or Women Owned Business Enterprise.

Translation services will be available in Spanish and Russian.

We can help you:

  1. Identify NYC contracting opportunitites

  2. Successfully market your business to government buyers

  3. Determine the right mentorship programs and workshops for your business

  4. Access affordable loans and bond collateral assistance to perform on City contracts

City Agencies Attending are the Following:

  1. NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY)

  2. NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT)

  3. NYC Administration for Child Services (ACS)

  4. NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

  5. NYC Department of Corrections (DOC)

  6. NYC Police Department (NYPD)

  7. NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS)

  8. NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks)

  9. NYC Human Resource Administration (HRA)

  10. NYC Department of Social Services (DSS)

  11. NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

  12. NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC)

  13. NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)

  14. NYC Fire Department (FDNY)

  15. City University of New York (CUNY)

  16. NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS)

  17. NYC Department of Mental Health and Hygiene (DoHMH)

  18. NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS)

The NYC Department of Small Business Services in partnership with Assemblyman Michael Cusick are proud to host the 2019 Staten Island M/WBE Borough Forum.

The MWBE Borough Forums are a series of forums held in each borough to facilitate the connections between M/WBEs and City Agencies, to provide information on upcoming procurements, and to allow MWBEs the opportunities to share information about their organization’s capabilities with City agencies.

The forums also provide an opportunity for firms seeking to do business with the City of New York, to learn about how to do business with the various City agencies and how to become certified with NYC.



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