The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is working on a National Veterans Small Business Week (NVSBW) event starting November 1,2023 through November 15, 2023, which will showcase their resource partners to Veteran entrepreneurs as well as all small business owners.
The Staten Island Small Business Development Center (SISBDC) is proud to be part of this event. Edward Piszko, Interim Regional Director will be presenting the Business Formation Webinar on Wednesday, November 1st at 2pm.
In this webinar, take a deeper dive into your business plan and master your financial entity by learning which legal entity is right for your business. Learn the basics of financing, developing cash flow projections and how to understand your financial statements. Register here: https://suny-edu.zoom.us/j/98259111192?pwd=UDBISnZEV2l3Tm9xVm5JK25vSlBtUT09
Feel free to share this information with a veteran or anyone looking to start a small business.
The complete schedule of all the resource partners and their webinars, as well as Zoom links to each, will be posted on our website, when available.
The SBA Office of Veterans Business Development offers resources to veterans, service members, and military spouses who are interested in starting or growing a small business. For more information visit https://www.sba.gov/about-sba/sba-locations/headquarters-offices/office-veterans-business-development.
To schedule an appointment with one of the Advisors from the SI SBDC, email sbdc@csi.cuny.edu or call 718.982.2560.
All our services are no-cost and all information is kept confidential. (The SISBDC) is a partnership program with the SBA and our host campuses and is administered by the State University of New York.) Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.